About Valley Voices

Our Mission

Empathy, optimism, and community work in conjunction with one another and are at the core of what we do. We believe bringing people together to share stories is a means to understanding our Valley while inspiring us to make positive contributions to our community.

Valley Voices story slams seek to foster empathy, optimism, and community through storytelling to create a more inclusive, aware, and supportive Teton Valley. We value empathy, optimism, and community because we feel everyone deserves to have a voice and we want to create a brave space where everyone can express themselves. We believe in the magic of storytelling as it ties our hearts and lives closer together to those around us.


We believe our interactions with one another are an exchange of stories, perspectives, and experiences as we seek to share and understand one another’s emotions.


We are all social creatures who want to be seen, heard, understood, and loved. At each event we strive to create a space where all storytellers and all attendees feel seen, heard, understood, and yes, loved.


We believe the glass is always half-full. Everyone is a storyteller and everyone has a story to share. One story, or one event, may not change the world but if it touches the heart and mind of even just one person, that to us is a success.

Community Parnerships

We strive to highlight non-profits in the Valley who are making positive contributions to this place. Not only does this raise awareness for their respective work, but this also educates the community on services available in the community.

Everyone has a story to share and everyone is welcome to share a story at a Valley Voices story slam. Past storytellers have included a town mayor, a 7-year old, a cancer vanquisher, a tourist, a motivational dancer, a comedian, and a life-long Teton Valley resident. Future storytellers include….you!

Giving Back

We ask for a $5 donation at the door for each of our events. At the end of the night, all the proceeds at the door are given to the partnering non-profit. In addition, at each event we have representatives from the partnering non-profit attend to share about their work in the community, their impact, and how you can get involved.

Our Team

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Tim Gruber, Founder of Valley Voices in Victor, ID

Meet Tim

Tim Gruber grew up in Davidson, North Carolina and moved to Teton Valley in 2021 when he got a job teaching 2nd/3rd grade at Teton Science Schools. In December of 2021 he started Valley Voices with their first event “Hunkering Down” in partnership with the Mental Health Coalition at Highpoint Cider. Aside from running Valley Voices, you can find Tim serving cider at Highpoint Cider, working on the Wydaho Film Festival, or running (quite literally) around Teton Valley. A few of his favorite things include: snow (he gets giddy like a little kid on Christmas anytime it snows), high-fives, people sharing and doing what they’re passionate about, cooking with friends, games, and laughing.

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